Here are the current works of the Kunstwege | Vias d'art Pontresina 2023 in the Engadin-Bernina Valposchiavo exhibition space.
Photos: Men Clalüna, Samedan
Some photos are taken by participants and visitors
©Pontresina Cultura
Here are the current works of the Kunstwege | Vias d'art Pontresina 2023 in the Engadin-Bernina Valposchiavo exhibition space.
Photos: Men Clalüna, Samedan
Some photos are taken by participants and visitors
©Pontresina Cultura
hidden traces, «rolling and falling» Performance am Lago Bianco, Ospizio 24.06.2023, um 13 Uhr, mit Anna Bienek, Paola Gianoli und Silvia Buol.
«The folds of my ear form a swirl», 2023, sechs Performances, 25.- 30.6.2023 von Ines Marita Schärer, Audio: Gratisnummer +41 (0)800 00 12 16
hidden traces, «tracing bigger movements», Performance am Lago Bianco, Staumauer 28.07.2023, um 15 Uhr mit Anna Bienek, Myriam Gurini, Nathalie Lustenberger, Paola Gianoli, Susan Lock und Silvia Buol
Fotos: Men Clalüna, Samedan
Some photos are taken by participants and visitors
©Pontresina Cultura